Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Red Bull Cars 342

This is a Mini-Cooper made by BMW, it is part of the Red Bull Student Marketing Programme. They have 34 of these around the UK, driven by University students. Of which I am one. I do not own the car, it is owned by Red Bull, essentially it is a company car. And yes, it does have a giant Red Bull can on the back at a 45 degree angle. Of the 34 around the UK, some are VW Beetles.

I’m assuming that they are running similar programmes around the states and australia too. The only way to drive one of these is to enter the Red Bull Student Marketing Programme.

Now how about that? A cute car (someone please tell me the model) with a pseudo-can of Red Bull rigged on top of the trunk, ready to fire a stream of energy saturated drink into the mentally taxed minds of Michigan students.

Peering through the passenger window, there were enough crates of Red Bull for a national Olympic team. Top it off with that trademark thrashing bull on the sides of the car, and paint sprayed in the colors of silver & blue, and there we have the Red Bull Car.

It was parked on E. Liberty, where visitors celebrating St. Patrick’s Day even found the Red Bull Car amusing and started snapping their camera shutters. Ann Arbor may not be the funkiest of cities, but these surprise packages on a normal sunny day can really make this place alive.Red Bull Cars
Red Bull Cars
Red Bull Cars
Red Bull Cars
Red Bull Cars

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